GFam – Automatic annotation of gene families

This is the documentation of gfam, a Python module to aid the automatic annotation of gene families based on consensus domain architecture, written by Tamás Nepusz.

GFam has no official publication yet, but there will soon be one. You are kindly asked to cite the webpage of GFam until an official GFam publication comes out:

GFam: Automatic annotation of gene families
Tamás Nepusz, Rajkumar Sasidharan and Alberto Paccanaro.

GFam can generally be considered stable. We have used it successfully to annotate the whole genome of Arabidopsis thaliana and Arabidopsis lyrata. Please email the author if you discover any bugs, or feel free to submit a bug report on GitHub.

If you are interested in the latest and greatest (but maybe unstable) version of GFam, you can get it from GitHub - just click on the Download source button on the GitHub page.

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